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Meet Gilliam Consulting (GC)

EEverything happens for a reason.  Nothing happens by chance.  It’s no accident that brought you here and I’m glad you stopped by.  Consider this statement:  I Am, Because We Are.  Are you ready, are you prepared, and are you willing to live a life of purpose?  Are you making the most of your gifts talents, as well as that of your team members? Please browse this web site to see if this is you and what support GC provides.

Karen Gilliam
Karen Gilliam

“Self-care is never a selfish act –
it is simply good stewardship of the only gift I have,
the gift I was put on earth to offer to others.
Anytime we can listen to true self,
and give it the care it requires, we do so not only for ourselves,
but for the many others whose lives we touch.” - Parker Palmer

II’m Karen Gilliam, president of Gilliam Consulting: Unlocking Individual Potential. I use stories as a way of becoming more engaged in meaningful conversations, and as a teaching tool with individuals and groups. We are all storytellers and we all have a story to tell.

  • Want to learn more about me? Click on Karen’s Story.
  • Want to understand how we would work together? Click on How GC Works?
  • Want to know what makes my approach different? Self-identity, redefinition and vision are cornerstones of my work. Click on Sankofa Symbolism for an explanation.
  • Want to gain insight into my personal journey of awareness and growth? Click on Links and Resources for a select few that have been a source of inspiration.

It doesn’t matter who you are, where you live, what title you hold or the year you were born…you hold the key to your desired future. What really matters to you? What do you want out of life? Is your team really a team or a group of individuals who share a reporting relationship? What is preventing you (and those of your team members) from reaching personal or professional goals? I would love to hear from you. Please send me a note: karen@gilliam-consulting.com.



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Gilliam Consulting
Karen L. Gilliam, MBA, Ph.D., CDE
P.O. Box 46220, Bedford, Ohio 44146